"My Voice"

Order a paperback or Kindle Edition or e-book of "My Voice: A Physician's Personal Experience with Throat Cancer," the complete 282 page story of Dr. Brook's diagnosis, treatment, and recovery from throat cancer.

Order a paperback or Kindle Edition or e-book of "The Laryngectomee Guide," the 170 page practical guide for laryngectomees.

Obtain and/or view a video presentation, instructive manual and a slide presentation how to ventilate laryngectomees and neck breathers (free).

To obtain suggestions for laryngectomees how to cope with COVID-19 pandemic click the Laryngectomee Newsletter link.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Guidelines for head and neck care during COVID-19 pandemic

A special article just published by DrGivi and colleagues in JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, guidelines are presented for head and neck physical examination and surgical and non-surgical procedures during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
Because head and neck examinations are considered high risk in patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, the authors developed recommendations for health care workers based on review of the literature and communication with physicians with firsthand knowledge of safety procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The authors note that:
  • Non urgent appointments should be postponed to limit infection of patients or health care workers. This may include postponing appointments for patients with benign disease and for those undergoing routine surveillance after treatment for head and neck cancer.
  • Patients should be queried by telephone about new or concerning signs or symptoms that may indicate recurrence and/or pending issues, as well as symptoms suggestive of COVID-19.
  • In-person clinic visits should be offered to those at risk for significant negative outcomes without evaluation.
  • To maintain relationships with patients and support assessments that can be made without in-person examinations, the use of telephone, video, or telemedicine visits should be considered.
  • In-person examinations should be limited to patients who need a thorough head and neck examination. Detailed guidelines are provided for physical examinations and associated procedures.

The authors are hopeful that following carefully planned routines and procedures, it will be possible to provide excellent care and help protect the safety and health of health providers and patients.

A model created by the National Cancer Institute predicts that tens of thousands of excess cancer deaths will occur over the next decade as a result of missed screening, delays in diagnosis, and reductions in oncology treatment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important that patients continue to be screened and treated.

Endoscopic examination by an otolaryngologist

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Mental health issues in head and neck cancer patients caused by the COVID – 19 pandemic

The current COVID-19 outbreak is spurring depression, fear, anxiety, and stress on a societal level. On an individual level, it may exacerbate anxiety and psychosis-like symptoms as well as lead to non-specific mental issues (e.g., mood problems, sleep issues, phobia-like behaviors, panic-like symptoms). Head and neck cancer patients (HNCP) (including laryngectomees) are more vulnerable to these psychological issues as well the viral infection. Laryngectomees may experience increased social isolation and loneliness.
Contributing to these are the difficulties in get medical and diagnostic care, prescription drugs, and medical supplies; and the economic situation.

HNCP with mental health issues such as OCD, PTSD, anxiety and depressive disorders, and paranoia may experience exacerbation of their symptoms.

HNCP can be proactive and alleviate some of their psychological vulnerability by:
  • Reaching out and seeking support from mental health professionals (i.e., psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers)
  • Getting medical and other supplies delivered to one’s residence  
  • Engaging in healthy distractions such as reading, watching movies, taking walks, exercising, and learning a new skill
  • Developing a routine
  • Obtaining information from reliable sources
  • Curbing media exposure to certain times in the day
  • Being aware of what is anxiety and what is reality in one’s thoughts and conversations
  • Following guidelines (i.e., using prescribed hand-washing methods, avoiding touching the face, avoiding hugging and shaking hands, staying at home and contacting one’s medical provider when experiencing medical problems)
  • Connecting with family and friends through the internet, social media, video calls and phone

Following these guidelines can assist HNCP navigate through the corona virus pandemic.
To obtain more suggestions for laryngectomees how to cope with COVID-19 pandemic click the Laryngectomee Newsletter link.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Investigational Drugs and Biologics for Corona virus (COVID-19)

As of now, no drugs or biologics have been proven to be effective for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19. There are many investigational drugs and biologics under investigation for COVID-19. Hopefully some of them will be available for use in the near future. Some may be used in severe cases even before they are approved by the FDA.

Antiviral Agents:
  • Remdesivir
  • Lopinavir/ritonavir
  • Rintatolimod
  • Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR-3) agonist rintatolimod (Poly I:Poly C12U)
  • Ampligen; AIM ImmunoTech)
  • Azvudine (nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor)
  • Danoprevir (NS3/4A HCV protease inhibitor)
  • Favipiravir (viral RNA polymerase inhibitor)

Immunomodulators and Other Investigational Therapies:
  • Ifenprodil (NP-120; Algernon Pharmaceuticals) Brilacidin
  • Remestemcel-L (Mesoblast Ltd) Eli Lilly and AbCellera are co-developing an antibody treatment .
  • Anti-SARS-CoV-2 polyclonal hyperimmune globulin (TAK-888; Takeda) is being developed to treat COVID-19 in high-risk patients.
  • Interleukin-6 inhibitors
  • Anti-malaria drugs: Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine

  • INO-4800 (Inovio Pharmaceuticals):
  • mRNA-1273 (Moderna Inc
  • CureVac has an mRNA vaccine in development that is not yet ready for human testing.
  • COVID-19 S-Trimer (GlaxoSmithKline and Clover Biopharmaceuticals)
  • SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (Johnson & Johnson
  • Sanofi is also collaborating with BARDA to develop a vaccine using their recombinant DNA platform.
  • Several other vaccines are developed: by Novavax, Codagenix, Applied DNA Sciences and Takis Biotech, and  Altimmune, Inc.

To obtain more suggestions for laryngectomees how to cope with COVID-19 pandemic click the Laryngectomee Newsletter link.

 Corona virus (COVID-19)

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Publication of the 4th edition of "The Laryngectomee Guide Expanded Edition”

The 4th edition of "The Laryngectomee Guide Expanded Edition” is available.

The 304 pages Expanded Guide is an updated and revised edition of the original Laryngectomee Guide. It contains twice more information on all topics, and also describes newer devices and products available for laryngectomees. The Guide provides practical information that can assist laryngectomees and their caregivers with medical, dental and psychological issues. It contains information about side effects of radiation and chemotherapy; methods of speaking; airway, stoma, and voice prosthesis care; eating and swallowing; medical, dental and psychological concerns; respiration; anesthesia; and travelling.
The Guide is available in paperback, and Kindle edition.
To download (free) the Guide click here.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Coronavirus outbreak and how laryngectomee and neck breathers can prevent getting the infection:

Watch the video "How laryngectomees can cope with the COVID-19 pandemic"

There has been a deadly outbreak of a novel strain of coronavirus in China causing severe respiratory illness and death. The virus has been spreading arround the world causing pandemic. The causative virus has been identified and its genome sequenced, which will allow confirmation of cases and development of a vaccine, though most likely not for about a year. As of today the CDC has recommended travelers avoid all nonessential travel to areas where the virus is prevalent. The virus is most likely spread by droplets. Those traveling to high risk areas should practice certain health precautions like avoiding contact with people with respiratory disease symptoms and careful hand-washing. Wearing a surgical mask is helpful, but it's more effective when worn by those with the disease. 

Human coronaviruses most commonly transmit from an infected person to others via: 

  • The air by coughing and sneezing and rarely, fecal contamination
  • Close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
  • Touching an object or surface with the virus on it, then touching the mouth, nose, eyes or stoma (in neck breathers) before washing hands

   Coronaviruses are usually transmitted from animals, particularly bats, camels, and even snakes to humans. The first 4 cases were all workers in the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, which sells live poultry, aquatic animals, bats, and snakes to the public. Unfortunately, the virus has mutated to cause human to human transmission. 

Symptoms can range from those of a mild cold to severe respiratory distress and death. The first signs and symptoms are a fever, cough, and initially mild respiratory distress that often worsens due to development of pulmonary edema ("water on the lungs"). All deaths to date have been in Wuhan City. The incubation latent periods are not certain. 

The virus is likely to spread throughout the world because of international travel and precautions may be needed to implemented everywhere. Head and neck cancer may be more vulnerable to respiratory infections and should exercise caution to prevent getting infected.

As the epidemic of corona virus is spreading throughout the world it is important for laryngectomees to protect themselves. Most laryngectomees experience less “colds” than non laryngectmees. This is believed to be because respiratory viruses generally first infect the nose and move to other body sites (including the lungs). Because laryngectomees do not inhale through their noses this mode of getting infected does not exist.

However, respiratory viruses can also access the body through the mouth, and conjunctiva. In laryngectomees the virus can access the lungs directly through the stoma. Although the exact mode of infection transmission of Corona virus is yet unknown, it is prudent to assume that it would behave in a similar fashion. 

It is not yet known if laryngectomees are more susceptible to COVID -19. It is therefore prudent to be extra careful. There are several risk factors that places laryngectomees in increased risk to get infected.

Once laryngectomees get infected they may be more likely to develop a serious pneumonia because their airway are compromised.  Many have chronically dry  and irritated trachea and bronchi, and they often have reduced lung capacity and lower lobes athelectasis.
This is why it is wise that laryngectomees are careful and follow the Health Departments direction.

laryngectomees and neck breathers can protect themselves by:
  • Wearing HME 24/7 especially when being around other people. HME with greater filtering ability would work better in reducing the risk of inhaling the virus ( i.e., Provox Micron TM, Atos Medical's XtraMoist). Provox Micron, has an electrostatic filter and 99.9% filtration rate and it’s cover prevents direct finger contact of the stoma. Wearing it protects other individuals from becoming  infected when the laryngectomee is infected.  Provox HME Cassette Adaptor enables the use of a Provox HME Cassette to any tracheostomy tube with a 15 mm ISO connector. Those with tracheostomy can protect themselves by using ProTrach XtraCare HME.
  • Wearing hands free tracheostoma valve because it does not require touching when speaking)
  • Those who use a regular HME should wash their hands before touching their HME.
  • Wearing a face mask ( preferable N95 respirator) over the stoma. A facemask with four strings can be modified to fit over the stoma. One of the strings can be extended with extra string; and the lower pair of strings can be tied behind the back. (see pictures)
  • Wearing face mask or respirator over the nose and mouth, and protective glasses. (see picture below) This can prevent the virus from entering the body through these sites or spread to other people when infected. Men should shave their facial hair prior to wearing facemask or respirator. 
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available.
  • Avoid touching your stoma, eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Staying at least 6 feet from other who don't live with you.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.

To prevent the spread to others stay home when you are sick, and cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. 
If worn properly, a face mask can help block large-particle droplets, splashes, sprays or splatter that may contain germs (viruses and bacteria). Face masks may also help reduce exposure of the wearer’s respiratory secretions to others.
While a face mask may be effective in blocking splashes and large-particle droplets, it does not filter or block very small particles in the air that may be transmitted by coughs, and sneezes. Face masks also do not provide complete protection from germs and other contaminants because of the loose fit between the surface of the face mask and the skin over the stoma.
Some face masks (i.e., N95) offer greater filtering abilities of germs and small dust particles. However, neck breathers and people with chronic respiratory, cardiac, or other medical conditions that make breathing difficult should check with their healthcare provider before using a N95 face mask because it can make it more difficult for the wearer to breathe.

It is prudent that laryngectomees follow the government and local health authorities’ instructions and avoid exposure to the virus by strictly isolating themselves.

To obtain more suggestions for laryngectomees how to cope with COVID-19 pandemic click the Laryngectomee Newsletter link.

Technique to place a facemask over the stoma in a laryngectomee

Wearing a facemask over the nose and mouth and protective glasses

Message from the Japanese Head and Neck Support Society. (in Japanese and English)

Message from the Singapore Cancer Society

Message from Nu Voice ( University of Southern California)  Los Angeles.

Click for further reading about protection of laryngectomees (International Achieves of Otorhinolaryngology)  

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Recreational Cannabis consumption can accelerates the growth of HPV positive head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

The ingredient that causes people on cannabis to feel the euphoria or “high” is associated with accelerating cancer growth in patients with human papilloma virus (HPV)-positive head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.  

Researchers at the University of California San Diego School Of Medicine demonstrated in animals and human cell line, showed how the presence of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in the bloodstream enhances the growth of HPV positive squamous cell cancer cells.  When activated, p38 MAPK pathway prevents cell death (apoptosis), thus allowing HPV positive squamous cell cancer cells to grow uncontrollably.

The team also analyzed blood samples from patients with HPV-related throat cancer and similar to the cell lines, the blood samples showed p38 MAPK activation and loss of cancer cell death in tumors from patients with THC in their blood.

The researchers stated that there is now scientific evidence that daily marijuana use can drive tumor growth in HPV-related head and neck cancer.

The study was published in Clinical Cancer Research in January 2020

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Paroxismal hypertensive episodes caused by direct massage of the carotid artery by a Doppler ultrasound of the neck in a laryngectomee.

Paroxysmal hypertension can occur after radiation to the head and neck. Patients exhibit sudden elevation of blood pressure (> 200/110 mm Hg) associated with an abrupt onset of headache, chest pain, dizziness, nausea, palpitations, flushing, and sweating.
A recent case report in Journal of Medical Ultrasound describes a laryngectomee who experienced repeated paroxysmal hypertensive episodes following direct massage of the carotid artery during Doppler ultrasound of the neck. This test is often performed to detect carotid artery stenosis in head and neck cancer patients who received radiation of the neck. 

The radiation damage to the carotid artery baroreceptors might have increased their hypersensitivity to the mechanical and ultrasonic stimulation during the diagnostic test, leading to the hypertensive episodes. It is recommended that patients who had received radiation therapy for head and neck cancer and require Doppler ultrasound of the carotid artery should be monitored for paroxysmal hypertension by recording their blood pressure prior and after the test.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The emerging role of aspirin and metformin in the management of head and neck cancer patients.

Aspirin was found to be associated with risk reduction of secondary primary cancer for patients with head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC).  A population-based analysis of 18,243 patients by Dr Yu-Shan Lin and colleagues from Taipei Medical University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan; found that aspirin use was associated with 25% reduction in secondary primary cancer incidence of squamous cell carcinoma in head and neck cancer patients. This was attributed mainly to reduced risk of esophageal and stomach cancer.

The function of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibition has been recognized as major mechanism of chemoprevention for aspirin. Many growth factors and inflammatory cytokine known to promote cancer progression were produced, packaged and secreted by thrombocytes, such as platelet derived growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor and transforming growth factor-β . The inhibition of COX-2 enzymes in thrombocytes results in blockade of synthesis of prostaglandins  from arachidonic acid.The downstream actions of PGE related with GF and cytokines plays essential roles in angiogenesis, cell proliferation and invasion. A platelet count of more than 400,000/μL was associated with higher mortality for patient with HNSCC and the poor prognosis could be overcome by antiplatelet medications.

Metformin (a sugar lowering agent) is a widely used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Metformin use in diabetic patients has been associated with decreased cancer incidence and mortality. This effect seems to result from a reduction in circulating insulin levels, but there are also data indicating direct anti-tumor effects of metformin. 

Several studies demonstrated that metformin is important in the inhibition of cell proliferation, G0/G1 cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and regulation of various proteins involved in cancer pathways, thus corroborating its potential in vitro and in vivo anti-tumor effects.

Three studies demonstrated that diabetics taking metformin had decreased rates of local and regional recurrence and metastasis and improved overall survival and disease-free survival rates. Individuals taking metformin had a lower incidence of HNSCC than those not taking metformin.  

Future studies are warranted to explore the use of aspirin and metformin in in the management of HNSCC patients.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Methods of speaking after laryngectomy

Allegra and colleagues from the  University of Catania, Catania, Italy compared the acoustic quality of the rehabilitated voice achieved with esophageal speech (ES) and tracheoesophageal speech (TES), and acoustic quality impacts on 67 laryngectomees.  The authors found a significantly better  functional voice performance in TES patients compared to ES.  However, there was no significant differences between the two groups in physical, emotional, and socioeconomic performance.

The authors concluded that the rehabilitation of laryngectomized patients must be addressed by a multidisciplinary team that considers the personalities, personal needs, and relational conditions of individual patients in order to determine and apply the phonatory rehabilitation method most suitable for achieving a better quality of life.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Comparing surgical and nonsurgical larynx-preserving treatments with total laryngectomy for locally advanced laryngeal cancer.

Patel et al. from  Boston University School of Medicine, analyzed the National Cancer Data Base  between 2003 and 2011 (published in Cancer,June 2019) comparing surgical and nonsurgical larynx-preserving treatments with total laryngectomy for locally advanced laryngeal cancer.

They identified 8703 patients with stage III/IV (excluding T1 tumors) laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma treated with chemoradiation (CRT) or partial laryngectomy (PL) and total laryngectomy(TL)  with or without adjuvant therapy.

The authors found that:

  • Among patients with non-T4, low nodal burden (T2N1 or T3N0-N1) disease, no survival differences were observed between CRT, PL, and TL.
  • Patients who had non-T4, high nodal burden (T2-T3N2-N3) disease who underwent TL with or without adjuvant treatment had a higher risk of death compared with those who received CRT.
  • No statistically significant difference in outcome was noted between CRT and PL for all stage groups.   

The authors concluded that patients with non-T4, high nodal burden disease may benefit from definitive CRT. Total laryngectomy remains advantageous in patients with T4 disease.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinona ( HNSCC) is more common and advanced in those living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

Several studies showed that patients living with HIV have a 3 fold higher risk of developing all types of HNSCC including those associated with HPV despite anti-retroviral therapy. This may be because HIV+ patients have a higher rate of alcohol rate and tobacco rate, increased incidence of oral HPV infection and immune suppression ( low CD4 count).

Findings of several studies illustrated that :

  • HPV infection is may be more prevalent in HIV+ patients.
  • The  HIV  virus may have a direct oncogenic role in HHNSCC.
  • HIV+ patients may present with HNSCC at a younger age and a higher stage.
  • Lower CD4 count may predispose patients to HPV related HNCSCC.
  • HIV + HNSCC+  have a poorer survival rates than HIV- HPV + .
  • HNSCC patients who are HPV+ tend to have a more favorable outcomes regardless of HIV status.

As the number of aging HIV+ patients increases learning more the pathophysiology of HNSCC in these patients, outcomes, and ultimately tailored treatment to these unique patient population will become more important.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs improved patient survival for PIK3CA-altered head and neck cancer (HNC).

A new study by UC San Francisco and University of Pittsburgh has found that regular use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin and ibuprofen, significantly improves survival for a third or more patients with HNC. 

NSAIDs improved the overall 5-year survival rate from 25% to 78% for patients whose cancer contained a specific altered gene, known as PIK3CA. The survival for patients whose gene was not altered was unaffected by NSAID use.

PIK3CA is the most commonly altered oncogene in head and neck squamous carcinoma, and is found in a third of all tumors. In HNC associated with the human papillomavirus (HPV), PIK3CA is mutated in more than half of tumors.

The retrospective study included 266 patients. Most patients (67%) received post-surgery chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. PIK3CA gene activating alteration was found in 28% in the patients. Among the patients who regularly used NSAIDs, 93% used aspirin (81mg/day) as a component of the NSAID regiment, and 73% took aspirin exclusively.
The investigators learned that regular use of NSAIDs for at least 6 months provided markedly prolonged improved survival compared to non-use for patients whose PIK3CAgene was mutated or amplified. In these patients, NSAIDs raised overall five-year survival from 25% to 78%. However, patients without alterations in their PIK3CA gene were no better off by taking NSAIDs.

This is the first study to show a strong clinical advantage of regular NSAID use for HNC patients with mutations in the PIK3CA gene and may indicate a clear, biological reason to implement NSAID therapy in certain cases of HNC patients
Through analysis of both cell line and mouse studies, the researchers speculated that NSAIDs likely blocked tumor growth by reducing the production of an inflammatory molecule called prostaglandin E2.

The researchers have designed a prospective, randomized clinical trial to address the study’s limitations (small numbers and retrospective nature of the study) to assess the clinical significance of this therapeutic use.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Head and Neck Cancer: Through the Eyes of a Patient

Itzhak Brook, MD, MSc, and Meryl Kaufman, MEd, CCC-SLP, BRS-S, discuss cancers of the head and neck and talk about how diagnosis and treatment might impact patients and caregivers. To view click this (A Cure Today presentation.)


a.     An Overview of Head and Neck Cancer. Meryl Kaufman, M.Ed., CCC-SLP, BRS-S, and Itzhak Brook, M.D., M.Sc., board members of the Head and Neck Cancer Alliance, discuss the prevalence of cancers of the head and neck, emphasizing the potential risk factors and importance of prevention. https://www.curetoday.com/cure-connections/hnscc/head-neck-cancers/an-overview-of-head-and-neck-cancer

b.     Head and Neck Cancer: Overcoming Challenges in Treatment. Itzhak Brook, M.D., M.Sc., shares the story of his initial diagnosis and treatment for cancer of the head and neck, outlining the challenges that came along with treatment, with fellow board member of the Head and Neck Cancer Alliance Meryl Kaufman, M.Ed., CCC-SLP, BRS-S. https://www.curetoday.com/cure-connections/hnscc/head-neck-cancers/head-and-neck-cancer-overcoming-challenges-in-treatment

c.      Head and Neck Cancer: Novel Treatment Approaches. Meryl Kaufman, M.Ed., CCC-SLP, BRS-S, and Itzhak Brook, M.D., M.Sc., board members of the Head and Neck Cancer Alliance, share insight into the role of novel treatment approaches like immunotherapy, robotic surgery and de-escalation in the management of cancers of the head and neck. https://www.curetoday.com/cure-connections/hnscc/head-neck-cancers/head-and-neck-cancer-novel-treatment-approaches

d.     Getting a Diagnosis of Head and Neck Cancer. Meryl Kaufman, M.Ed., CCC-SLP, BRS-S, and Itzhak Brook, M.D., M.Sc., board members of the Head and Neck Cancer Alliance, discuss which symptoms should lead one to seek a diagnosis of head and neck cancer and which tests are available to aid in evaluation. https://www.curetoday.com/cure-connections/hnscc/head-neck-cancers/getting-a-diagnosis-of-head-and-neck-cancer

e.     Head and Neck Cancer from a Patient's Perspective.  Itzhak Brook, M.D., M.Sc., considers how experiencing cancer of the head and neck as a patient affected his understandings as a physician and outlines available patient resources with fellow board member of the Head and Neck Cancer Alliance, Meryl Kaufman, M.Ed., CCC-SLP, BRS-S. https://www.curetoday.com/cure-connections/hnscc/head-neck-cancers/head-and-neck-cancer-from-a-patients-perspective

f.      Adjusting to Life With Head and Neck Cancer. Meryl Kaufman, M.Ed., CCC-SLP, BRS-S, and Itzhak Brook, M.D., M.Sc., board members of the Head and Neck Cancer Alliance, provide their perspectives on adjusting to life with cancer of the head and neck, as a patient or as a caregiver, and share advice for those who must undergo laryngectomy. https://www.curetoday.com/cure-connections/hnscc/head-neck-cancers/adjusting-to-life-with-head-and-neck-cancer

g.     understanding Treatment Options in Head and Neck Cancer. Meryl Kaufman, M.Ed., CCC-SLP, BRS-S, and Itzhak Brook, M.D., M.Sc., board members of the Head and Neck Cancer Alliance, review the various modalities of treatment for cancers of the head and neck and identify which physicians are responsible for delivering this care. https://www.curetoday.com/cure-connections/hnscc/head-neck-cancers/understanding-treatment-options-in-head-and-neck-cancer

Meryl Kaufman, M.Ed., CCC-SLP,, and Itzhak Brook, M.D.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

"The Laryngectomee Guide” is available in 28 languages

"The Laryngectomee Guide” is available now in 28 languages: English, Russian,Turkish, Greek, Italian, Slovak, Bulgarian, Romanian, Polish, Icelandic, Bosnian, Croatian, Arabic, Hebrew, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Persian (Farsi), Korean, Japanese, Hindi, Tamil, Filipino (Tagalog), Indonesia, Malaysian, Vietnamese, and traditional and simplified Chinese in paperback, Kindle and eBookeBooks and Kindle are available FREE.
The Guides are available at Amazon and Lulu Publications websites. 

The Guide provides practical information that can assist laryngectomees and their caregivers with medical, dental and psychological issues. It contains information about side effects of radiation and chemotherapy; methods of speaking; airway, stoma, and voice prosthesis care; eating and swallowing; medical, dental and psychological concerns; respiration; anesthesia; and travelling.

Links to obtain paperback, eBook, and Kindle Edition of the Guide in different languages:

Englishpaperback , Kindle, and eBook
Russianpaperback, and eBook
Turkishpaperback, and eBook.
Greekpaperback, and eBook
Italianpaperback and Kindle, and eBook.
Icelandic: paperback and Kindle and eBook.
Bulgarian: paperback, and eBook.
Bosnian: paperback, and eBook.
Croatian: paperback, and eBook.
Slovak : paperback and eBook.
Romania: paperback (in Amazon, in Lulu), and eBook
Polish: paperback  and eBook.
Hebrew paperback and eBook.
Arabic: paperback, eBook, and Kindle.
Spanish (Andine edition): paperback and Kindle, and eBook.
Spanish (Spain edition): paperback and Kindle , and  eBook.
Spanish language (Center America edition): paperback and Kindle.
Spanish (South America edition): paperback and kindle
PortuguesepaperbackKindle, and eBook.
French: paperback and Kindle , and eBook.
Persian (Farsi) : paperback, eBook.  
Korean: paperback, and eBook.
Japanese: paperback, eBook, and kindle.
Hindi : paperback, and eBook. and kindle.
Tamil : paperback. and eBook. 
Filipino (Tagalog): paperback, and eBook
Indonesian: paperback, and eBook.
Malaysian: paperback, and eBook.
Vietnamese : paperback, and eBook.
Traditional ChinesepaperbackeBook and Kindle.
Simplified Chinesepaperback in China and paperback from Lulu,  and eBook 

Links to obtain FREE eBook of the Guide:

English click this link.
Russian  click this link.
Turkish click this link. 
Greek  click this link
Italian click this link.
Icelandic click on link
Arabic click this link.
Hebrew click this link
Spanish (Andine editionclick this link.
Spanish (Spain edition) click this link
Spanish (Central America edition) click this link
Spanish (South America editionclick this link.
Portuguese click this link.
French click this link.
Persian (Farsiclick this link.
Tamil click on this link
Korean click this link.
Japanese click this link.
Filipino (Tagalog) click this link.
Indonesian click this link.
Malaysian click this link
Vietnamese click this link
Traditional Chinese click this link
Simplified Chinese click this link.

List of sites to download the Laryngectomee Guide in 24 languages from Otolaryngological and Speech pathology Societies


The Guide is available for viewing and free download at the

American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and the Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Head-Neck Nurses, Inc




American Speech-Language-Hearing Association



International Association of laryngectomees



International Federation of Head and Neck Oncology



British Association of Oncologist



Hungarian Ear, Nose, Throat and Head and Neck SurgeryMedical Association



Romanian Society of Otolaringology and Cervico-FacialSurgery



Caen University Hospital, France,



Association of Speech Pathologist, Associação Portuguesa deTerapeutas da Fala


Otorrinolaringolog Portogal,



German Society of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery,



Japanese laryngectomee Society,



Asociacion Espaniola de Logopedia, Foniatria, y Audiologia,



Italian otolaryngology and Ophthalmology Association



Clinical Research Organization Association of Turkey 



Taiwan Head and Neck Surgery, Society of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery http://www.thns.org.tw/medicine/


Society of Head and Neck Surgery of Singapore



Mexican Society of Surgical Oncology,



Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology,



Brazilian Group of Head and Neck Cancer,



Brazilian Oral and Throat Cancer Association,



Brazilian Society of Speech Therapy, and Make SenseCampaign,



Bulgarian Society of Oto-rhinolo-laringology,



Hellenic Society for Head & Neck Cancer (in Greek) Speak and Language Pathology Society of Greece



New Zealand Society of Otolaryngology and Head and NeckSurgery Inc.



Slovak Society of ENT



Czech Society of ENT



 Polish laryngectomeeclub



Israeli Society of Speech and language pathologist (Ishla)


                        Russian language Guide                       Turkish language Guide  

Italian language Guide                     Chinese language  Guide    

                                                                                      Bulgarian language guide                                Arabic language guide 

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       Romanian language Guide                                French language Guide


        Korean language Guide                             Spanish language Guide


Japanese language Guide

Bosnian language Guide

Croatian language Guide 

Filipino (Tagalog) language Guide


Greek language Guide

Indonesian language guide 

Malaysian language Guide

Slovak language Guide

Polish language Guide

Hebrew language Guide

Vietnamese laryngectomee Guide

Hindi Laryngectomee Guide

Icelandic Laryngectomee guide

Tamil laryngectomee Guide